IBPS PO Scorecard 2014
The IBPS written exam was conducted in July 2014 the pattern of exam is both objective as well as descriptive in nature.The Objective type of test consist of 225 Question carrying 225 marks with a duration of 150 minutes.There are about 5 sections in the Objective test i.e. Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude etc.
The IBPS Descriptive paper consist the test of English language and it contains questions on Essay Writing, Letter Writing, Precis Writing etc. These two papers are conducted on the same day. After passed in these two papers, IBPS will issue the scorecard to all the successful candidates, these scorecard contains the marks obtained by the candidates in written exam.
IBPS will issue the Score cards to the candidates at the time of declaration of IBPS Common Written Exam Results 2014.The score cards also provided to the unsuccessful candidates but after some time. The Score cards issued by the IBPS is in hard copy format and will be send to each of the candidates at their address mention in the registration form who have appeared for the IBPS CWE Exam 2014 through Registered Post/Speed Post at their respective Correspondence Address. Candidates can also download their score card from www.ibps.in/. The TNPSC Grade 4 Result is also released soon, but after IBPS.
I urge to all the successful candidate to share their score in the comments below, by sharing we help to the other candidates and it is also very helpful to get the idea about IBPS Cut off.
score card yet not released.............