IBPS Rural Bank Admit Card 2013

IBPS Regional Rural Bank Admit Card 2013

IBPS RRB CWE September 2013 notification is to top off the vacancies in Regional Rural Banks- RRB across the country. IBPS CWE score is valid for one year and obligatory for get employment in any bank in India. The latest IBPS RRB CWE Notification for the posts of Scale -I, II, III officers, office Assistants (multipurpose) posts. 

Though IBPS has issued IBPS Regional Rural Banks Officers, office Assistant Recruitment Notification, not nevertheless notified the collaborating RRB’s during this recruitment drive. Candidates who want to appear for the CWE can see all the details about age limit, eligibility criteria, educational qualification and also about the date of registration, online date, issue of admit card and much more information regarding the IBPS Rural Bank Recruitment from the Newspaper or from the official website.

A candidate can apply for the post of Assistants and conjointly for the post of Officers. However it's obligatory that Candidates apply separately for every post and pay the application fees for every of the posts separately.


  1. i m facing a problem while downloading abmit card!! "invalid login" msg is displaying ..plz help me!! my email-id is monikajaswal26@gmail.com

  2. sir my regional rural bank admit card are not download so pls help me download admit card
