DLW Recruitment 2014

DLW Recruitment 2014

Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW), Diesel Rail Engine Factory, Varanasi has announced the recruitment notification against the vacancies of Junior Clerk, TO, Technicians and Stenographer jobs on PWD / PH Quota. This recruitment coming after so much time, so candidates who are interested can apply for this job. The details about the recruitment is also available on official site as well.

The candidates can apply for these on top of stated posts by sending their prescribed format application to the DLW-Diesel Rail Engine Factory, Varanasi. Their regarding 10 post vacancies in DLW.

1 comment:

  1. Hierarchical Database
    In a hierarchical database, fields or records are arranged in related groups resembling a family tree,
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    which child records subordinate to parent records. The parent record at the top of the database is called the root record.

    Used principally on mainframes, hierarchical databases are the oldest of the four types. They are still used in some types passenger reservation systems. In hierarchical databases, accessing or updating data is very fast, because the relationship have been predefined. However because the structure must be defined in advance, it is quite rigid. There may be only one parent per child, and no relationships among the child records are possible. Moreover, adding new fields to databases, records requires that the entire database be redefined.
